Refurbishment of wear parts

Not every worn component needs to be replaced. Refurbishment is often the more economically sensible and ecologically sustainable solution. We refurbish wear parts weighing up to 15 tons in our partner workshops using deposition welding and thermal spraying

In the wear parts analysis we can usually find clues as to whether repairing wear parts is worthwhile and perhaps represents a better alternative to manufacturing new ones.

Costs/ Benifits

The decision for refurbishment essentially depends on the costs of the refurbishment on the one hand and the expected service life of the refurbished component on the other – compared to a newly purchased wear part. In general, it can be said: the more complex and valuable a component is, the more worthwhile it is to refurbish. In addition, especially with complex components, refurbishment can often be carried out more quickly than completely new production.

Refurbishment of wear parts = optimization

Often we can also optimize wear parts as part of a refurbishment. Thus we extend the future useful life compared to the original wear part. From the wear analysis we already know which coatings result in an optimal ratio of costs to service life in your specific application. We select the right variant for you and of course together with your own production experts in order to extend the service life.

Choose best method

When refurbishing wear parts, we use deposition welding or thermal spraying, depending on the application. I have an excellent network of partner companies in the EU for both procedures. This enables us to select the optimal procedure in each case. We deliver your refurbished wear parts ready for installation to the location of your machine, dynamically balanced and/or painted if necessary.

Refurbishment of wear parts - Service roadmap


We analyse the wear pattern taking into account the relevant environmental parameters such as wear medium, temperature, pH value and others.

Concept creation

We create the refurbishment concept that suits your technical and economic situation.

Component measurement

We refurbish the component including finishing work.

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