Wear parts development
Wear parts must be replaced regularly. Typically this is done by using the original components of the machine manufacturer. Where this does not make sense for practical reasons of availability or economic considerations, individual replica wear parts come into play.
Wear parts are subject to wear and tear and must therefore be replaced at certain intervals. As a rule, they are provided directly by the machine manufacturer as original components and the manufacturer usually has its spare parts business in
DURAPARTS works primarily for you as a system operator. We don’t just rebuild worn-out parts, we develop some of them from scratch in order to optimize them in your interests.
Wear parts development = we for you
There are two main reasons explained here why the use of original components may not necessarily be the best option for you economically.DURAPARTS works primarily for you as a system operator. We don’t just rebuild worn-out parts, we develop some of them from scratch in order to optimize them in your interests.
Economic optimum
Economically, the increased service life of the specially developed components speaks in favour of individual wear parts development. During the wear analysis, I try to work with you to determine the integral costs of your wear parts. From this calculation you can see what costs a wear part can incur with what expected service life in order to be economically cheaper for you than the original. There are usually several variants of replica parts. They differ primarily in the materials and surface technologies used, which have different durabilities and also differ in price. I work closely with my producers to select the materials and coating technologies that will help you save costs.Good but over
The second reason that makes replica replacement parts necessary is much simpler: the original part is simply no longer available. In these cases, we often only have the worn part available as a sample component. We measure these components. If necessary, we use 3D laser scanning. We analyse the existing materials, consider material alternatives, design the components for production and document the quality properties so that we can also use this information in the future. This is the only way we can ensure that the components are really the right ones for you and your machine. In the development of wear parts, I combine the experiences and skills of numerous network partners. It is therefore not uncommon for us to design existing components differently than the original in order to achieve the greatest possible cost and durability advantages for you. Joint tests in operation provide the necessary feedback to further optimize the parts.Wear parts development – Service roadmap
Component measurement
We grasp the component geometry using conventional methods or 3D laser scanning technology.